Friday, August 18, 2006

The first delivery

Hi again...

Today i did the delivery of my 1st car sold. It was a very cute looking champagne-coloured B200. When i first saw it, i almost felt like tearing. You wont believe it. I guess that's why they call it "delivery". The car carried with it so much emotion that i have experienced during the month stay with my present company. So much. I bet the owner probably didnt know how much their car meant to me.

It was the only order i took that was smooth-sailing. The other 2, though fantastic, didnt materialise. In this month's time, my emotions have gone up and down like a roller-coaster ride and i have only myself to depend on. One of my colleagues have been extremely encouraging to me and Im very grateful to him for all the help he has rendered me. Sometimes when i think back, my life has changed so much since my flying days. I still havent regretted crossing over to car trade because this is really what i wanted to do for a long time.
But sometimes when i sit back and think hard... Maybe this trade wont be my career either. Its still too early to say but i know that i would want to have a family and i would definitely want to spend quality time with my husband and children. If being in the car trade means i gotta work sat and sun and still have people hounding me in the middle of the night, then probably i would need to consider a job change.

Anyhow its still early to talk about that now.

Back to my work. As i have said, things have been quite good and things have turned quiet again now. My manager hasnt been very friendly to me recently and i know he isnt too pleased with me now. All because of that stupid sat when i got the time of the duty wrong! I seriously didnt know that the showroom opens as normal weekday hours as saturday! So i came in at the time of Sun and my manager was very unhappy with me. I think i need to work doubly hard to bring in the sale and to build up his confidence in me again that i am a trustworthy employee.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I need durians

I need sales. I really need it. Tension is building up again. Durians please appear again!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

1st Outdoor Roadshow!

Hi RolyPolly!

Ill be going to my first outdoor roadshow tomorrow at Paragon, featuring the R class!
Wonder hows the profile of the crowd like?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

1st day of duty

Hi again,

Today i did my first showroom duty. Really nervous when the 1st customer asked me questions and i tried my best to be calm and looked professional. Hahaha Got prospects...but no durians today! Arghhh..I want Durian!!!

Tomorrow gotta do duty again and thursday gotta do duty again. Not that Im complaining but the Angry Varicose Veins are gonna come out and haunt me. Sigh ;{
Can some rich single man just come in and book a S from me and at the same time buy me dinner? Then perhaps i wont have to struggle so hard for very much longer.. Hahahaha **Dream on......**

Well ok back to reality! Tomorrow is a brand new day and full of opportunities and a very BIG DURIAN is gonna drop and Im gonna catch it. Yeah a Big "S"uper Durian.
Ha! Guess nobody knows what im talking about right? Hahah unless u r in the trade.
If u know what does a "durian" means, drop a comment and ill tell u whether ur answer is right or wrong. Heeehehehe ... **Trying to copy some cheesy tabloid magazines right...**

Its gonna be a super busy week for me cos i have 4 duty days! Well Im almost gonna drop in front of the comp now and i still have some things to run through.
im going off now for a shower and dream of durians tonight.