Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rabbits Attack!

I think this is such a funny scene. Rabbits! Thats what they called the 36 people who were in white costumes hanging on the wires. Isn't that just hilarious?

Anyway the Singapore Arts Festival opening was pretty fun, made spectacular with the fireworks. Look at the above for proof =)

Monday, May 28, 2007

Appreciation of Simple things in Life

Have you ever felt low, down and out? Have you tried to lift up your head and look at the beautiful blue sky when you are feeling down?

The sky, so blue, with the glorious white clouds, is so beautiful. Suddenly you realise that you are not feeling down anymore!

A man while walking on the street of New York City with his friend, stopped in his tracks suddenly. His friend asked him " What are you doing there?" He replied, "Nothing, I just love the breeze against my face"

Life can be so surprisingly simple.