Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello World!

Hi. Hello. How do you do?
Ill never imagine that ill be doing this, starting my own blog. This is quite unlike of me, especially when im such a private person.
Actually im really wondering who will be reading this when there are like millions of blogs in the world. So this shall be my own little world. Where i can pen down my thoughts and share them with whoever is bothered to read my small little blog...

I just read the papers about this ex-stewardess who is now begging for money with her toddler at the Jurong MRT. My heart just went out for her. Really. But now with the news exposure, im sure everyone will start donating $ to her.

She flew for 7 years and had a life many girls at her time envy. However due to health reasons, she quit the job and somehow or other, she didn't work anymore. Then she met this guy who is doing odd job (!!!??!) and they fell in love instantly and got married shortly.
Hmmm. What happened to the guy i don't know. Or maybe i missed out that part of the news. But why so many stewardesses like garang guni (constance chee) or odd-job workers when they obviously knew that highly possibly these guys cant promise them a decent future?? Whats happening here? Its just so weird.

To friends who are out there drinking or smoking heavily, please take care of your health. You may have 10000000000 but health is like the "1" in front of this number. Without it everything is just 0. We may have many lofty ambitions in life but without health there's really nothing much that we can achieve. With that, i shall follow the old and golden advice of sleeping early tonight.



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